Web Design

Web Design

-8 pages included
-Setup hosting account
-Keyword Research for Search Engine Marketing – Value $50
-Professional Website Design Theme – Value $200+
-Mobile Responsive Design – Value $500
-Professional stock images from Istock – Value $100+
-Initial setup, testing, and customizing of theme – Value $250
-Blog setup (counts as one page) – Value $100
-Advice on website content and strategy – Value $200+
-On-page SEO to make your site Search Engine Friendly – Value $100
-Free Search Engine Marketing Guide for off-page SEO – Value $70
-Email addresses setup on your domain (yourname@whatever.com)

Complete Web Design
SSL Certificate

Domain Verified certificate

Website Optimization Services

Faster website download speeds have been shown to increase visitor retention and loyalty and user satisfaction, especially for users with slow internet connections and those on mobile devices. Web performance also leads to less data traveling across the web, which in turn lowers a website's power consumption and environmental impact.

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